MES is committed to providing the quality and customized engineering, logistics, education, technology, and training solutions across our global network. MES’s global reach includes over 500 employees in more than 100 CONUS and OCONUS locations and operations in seven countries. MES delivers superior support and value to our military and commercial customers, employees, and partners. The company works closely with the US Department of Defense and its government partners around the world to deliver the best engineering, logistics, education, training solutions.
Global business drives MES’s growth with the U.S. Department of Defense and other customers. MES’s intercontinental commitments encourage our efforts to establish long-term relationships with the best companies in the world and earn new business now and in and future.
MES in The United States

MES serves the U.S. Department of Defense and commercial clients across the Continental United States with our engineering, logistics, education, training and administration solutions.
More than 80 military installations and locations in the continental United States.
For the U.S. Army Installation Management Command (IMCOM), MES is the leading provider of Army Continuing Education Services (ACES) and provides education programming and administration at 27 locations for both active duty and Reserve components.
MES also provides education service solutions for the U.S. Navy college at 27 naval bases and locations.
MES provides engineering, simulation and training solutions at 30 military sites across America.
MES in Asia

MES offers a variety of engineering, logistics, education and training solutions at approximately 25 military installations and locations across Asia. The MES simulation and training solutions are prominent in Japan and South Korea.
The U.S. Army Installation Management Command (IMCOM) Army Continuing Education Services contract is supported by MES personnel at 13 locations in Japan and South Korea in addition to sites in Guam and Hawaii.
MES provides education and administrative solutions for the Navy college at a number of sites in Asia and the South Pacific including Misawa, Sasebo and Yokosuka, Japan and Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. MES also offers simulation and training solutions in Guam, Japan and South Korea.
MES in Europe

The primary programs MES offered across Europe is support to the U.S. Army Installation Management Command (IMCOM) Army Continuing Education Services (ACES).
MES experts in program administration and support, instruction, test administration and other education services support at 19 military installations.
For the U.S. Navy college, MES offers education solutions at three naval bases, two in Italy and one in Spain.
MES in The Middle East

In Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, MES provided education and administration solutions for the U.S. Navy college.
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